Webelos/AOLs - 03/08 - 03/10
Lions, Tigers, Wolves, & Bears - 03/09 - 03/10
We picked this site because it is said to be one of the darkest places in Georgia at night, and a full night sky can be seen. If you’ve never seen a majestic full sky of stars, then you have to make this trip to enjoy a night’s sky with almost zero light pollution. It is one of the most beautiful sights you’ll see!
For the Webelos and Arrow of Light Cubs, it is a two night camping trip with Cub-led activities and with Troop Guides from Troop 985. This will be their first taste of the next step in Scouting, and let them find out what they are capable of. They will be organized into Patrols, and will be given opportunities to manage their own experiences. From pitching their own tents, creating their own skits, through to cooking their own breakfast and lunch, it is a chance for them to use what they have learned in Scouting, and work as team.
For the younger Cubs, it is a one night camping trip (Saturday), as per our normal family camping setup. The agenda is packed with lots of Scout fun, from activities and games, through good cooking and a full Scouting Campfire ceremony. Once the fire dies down, we all get to be kids, lie on the ground, and look up and marvel at the stars beyond one of Georgia's darkest skies. It promises to be a fun and interesting camping trip.
It’s been a little while since we’ve been under canvas, so getting the tents out and being outdoors will shake the cobwebs off everyone!
Please sign up for the number of people you expect to attend, and for how many nights. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080B4EADAF2DABF94-dark/
The cost to cover the site and food, is $15 per head per night, which can be paid by cash or check at Blue & Gold on 2/23, or on the website (plus processing fees) at Pack985.org/pay
If you are the Parent of a Webelos or AOL, and the Friday night is difficult for you, please let us know, as we may be able to make arrangements to get your Cub to the campsite ahead of you.
As always, any questions, please let me know, but GO SIGN UP!